This weekend Miya spent time with her cousins after a few months and the next day I could see a change in her…
the longing to have company, the boredom even with a host of toys catering to all her developmental needs the destructive behavior because of being alone.
Being a firecracker kid and with me watching her brain developing at such a rapid rate… My ‘mothers sense’, (as I like to call it), made the decision to ease her back to her Day Mom just for the need to socialize that she is so desperately craving.
I intended on keeping her at home till next year, but my heart weighs heavy with the deep need that my child has for outside play with other kids.
I work in a risk environment and I’m a highly risk averse person, so don’t get me wrong… this decision, as most of you with school going kids have faced, is definitely not an easy one & one that will play on my mind on a daily basis… But once again i personally feel if I’m letting my heart & my ‘mother sense’ lead and guide me in this decision, then all will be well.