
by | Oct 26, 2020 | Activities

This sense themed activity focused on the best one of all & my personal favourite!!! TASTE

With the help of @kupcakery (a home based baking enthusiast) who helped me keep to the spring theme by providing the beautiful & Uber-delicious Nesquick flavoured cupcakes, the entire activity from soil to grass to butterflies were all edible, with the exception of the plastic bugs & stones (I’m not that ambitious).

Much to my delight, Miya went from sweet to sour, to sweet to sour, exploring the different tastes in her mouth. She refused to eat my Oreo ‘sand’ cos I guess it looked too real (insert eye roll here), but happily fed me the ‘sand’. That’s real love right there.

My Dearest Miya

My Dearest Miya

  While you sleep the thunder rumbles and the rain pours I write this for you on the last day of the year 2020. What a year... An unimaginable nor believable year, beyond anything any New Years Resolution at the start of 2020 could have envisioned. We came out of...

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Her Will is Made of Titanium

Her Will is Made of Titanium

When you age and become a Mother I believe you are inclined to gravitate into 3 different buckets of Mothering... 1. You Mother in the complete opposite manner to how you were Mothered 2. You Mother in the same way that you were Mothered OR 3. You incorporate elements...

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